Book Chapters
- Genesereth, M. R.: "Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Macsyma", in AI Handbook, edited by Feigenbaum, E., Barr, A., Morgan-Kaufmann, 1981, pp 143-149.
- Genesereth, M. R.: "The Role of Plans in Intelligent Teaching Systems", in Intelligent Teaching Systems, edited by Sleeman, D., Brown, J. S., Academic Press, 1981, pp 137-152.
- Davis, R., Doyle, J., Genesereth, M. R., Goldstein, I., Lenat, D., Shrobe, H.: "Meta-Cognition:Reasoning about Knowledge", in Expert Systems, edited by Hayes-Roth, F., Lenat, D., Waterman, D., 1982, pp 219-240.
- Genesereth, M. R.: "The Use of Hierarchical Design Models in the Automated Diagnosis of Computer Systems", in Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems, edited by Bobrow, D., North-Holland, 1984, pp 411-436.
- Genesereth, M. R.: "Introspective Fidelity", in Metalevel Architectures and Reflection, edited by Maes, P., North-Holland, 1987, pp 75-85.
- Rosenschein, J. S., Genesereth, M. R.: "Deals Among Rational Agents", in The Ecology of Computation, edited by Huberman, B. A., North-Holland, 1988, pp 117-132.
- Genesereth, M. R.:"A Comparative Analysis of Some Simple Architectures for Autonomous Agents", Architectures for Cognition, edited by vanLehn, K., Laurence Erlbaum, 1991, pp 279-300.
- Nourbakhsh, I., Genesereth, M. R.: "Dervish", in AI-based Mobile Robots: Case Studies of Successful Robot Systems, edited by D. Kortenkamp, P. Bonasso, R. Murphy, MIT Press, 1998.
- Genesereth, M. R.: "An Agent-Based Framework for Interoperability", in Software Agents, edited by Bradshaw, J., AAAI Press, 1997.
- Nourbakhsh, I., Genesereth, M. R.: "Teaching AI Using Robots", in AI-based Mobile Robots: Case Studies of Successful Robot Systems, edited by D. Kortenkamp, P. Bonasso, R. Murphy, MIT Press, 1998.